Engaging Online Education

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As a certified Maharishi Ayurveda health professional, I am able to offer my clients affordable access to the Personal Wellness Course produced by Drs. Stuart Rothenberg and Nancy Lonsdorf, medical directors of The Maharishi Integrative AyurVeda Institute.

7.5-Hour Personal Wellness Course

This self-paced online course presents a detailed introduction to Ayurvedic knowledge for healthy living in seven lessons. It is accompanied by a 211-page syllabus and 88 pages of assessment and treatment forms, diets and other supportive material.

  1. Basic Principles – Understanding Your Body Constitution
  2. Overview of Diet and Digestion, Lifestyle Medicine and Mind-Body Balance
  3. It's Not Just What You Eat: It is How You Digest
  4. My Digestive Type: Gut Health is Personal
  5. My Ideal Day: Chronobiology and Optimal Daily Schedule
  6. Self-Pulse Reading for Self-Healing
  7. Course Summary: Creating Your Personal Wellness Journal

Lesson details are available on The Maharishi Integrative AyurVeda Institute website.

11-Hour Personal Wellness Course

The 11-hour course includes all the above material plus 13 lessons addressing the nuances of self-pulse reading. Taking your own pulse is a simple technique to create a self-referral loop that promotes the body's ability to restore and maintain balance. This is the best alternative to the longer Maharishi Self-Pulse Reading Course offered for $350 that also covers the sub-Doshas and the deep pulse.

  1. Vedic Sound, Daily Pulse Taking, Self-Pulse Documentation
  2. Qualities of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the Pulse
  3. Feeling the Qualities of Vata in the Pulse
  4. Feeling the Qualities of Pitta in the Pulse
  5. Feeling the Qualities of Kapha in the Pulse
  6. Location of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the Pulse
  7. Feeling Ojas in the Pulse
  8. How to Feel Ama in the Pulse
  9. Qualities of a Balanced Pulse
  10. Imbalance in the Pulse - Amplitude; Increase or Decrease of a Dosha
  11. Imbalance in the Pulse – Doshas Moving out of their own Place
  12. Effect of Vata Moving out of its own Place
  13. Effect of Pitta Moving out of its own Place
  14. Effect of Kapha Moving out of its own Place


The following fees for the Personal Wellness Course are added to the applicable fee for an initial consultation (either limited or comprehensive) or a consultation & follow-up package.

The Maharishi Integrative AyurVeda Institute offers the 7.5-hour program at $295. It includes two hours of personal wellness coaching at $35 per hour, for an equivalent value of $225 per person. The 11-hour program is not otherwise available.

Client Type 7.5-hour 11-hour
Initial Consultation $100 $150
6-week or 6-month Package $75 $125